Students in the B.S. in Neuroscience program are strongly encouraged to participate in undergraduate research. Students may receive academic credit that counts towards degree requirements by registering for NEUR 2699 or NEUR 4699. Research courses in other disciplines (XXXX 2699 and 4699) may also be applied to satisfy degree requirements. Students may also qualify for research assistantships or the Presidents Undergraduate Research Award (PURA).
A list of faculty with research interests in neuroscience appears on the Neuro at Tech research portal:
Pertinent Forms
Research Option
A student may apply Undergraduate Research (XXXX 2699 or 4699) to satisfy degree requirements. Four credits of NEUR 4699 may be used in place of NEUR 4001 only if the student completes the Georgia Tech Research Option. This requires an additional 6 cr. of NEUR 2699 or 4699 (2 cr. of NEUR 4699 may be applied to “Additional Neuroscience Electives”, the remaining 3 cr. will be applied to Free Electives), along with both LMC 4701 (1 cr.) and LMC 4702 (1 cr.) Both LMC courses are applied to free electives. A student may appeal via their academic advisor to the NUCC to have any other XXXX 4699 to be considered equivalent to NEUR 4699 when the project is clearly related to neuroscience. More information on the research option and requirements can be found here.
Other Research Credit: Undergraduate research credit (XXXX 2699 and 4699) may also be applied to Breadth Electives (subject to rules of the relevant Minor program of study) and to Free Electives.