Dr. Timothy Cope

Director of the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
Dr. Mary Holder

Director of Neuroscience Program Undergraduate Studies
Academic Professional
School of Psychologymary.holder@psych.gatech.edu
Office: CULC 365C
Dr. Christina Ragan

Director of Neuroscience Program Outreach
Academic Professional
School of Biological Sciencescragan8@gatech.edu
Office: CULC 365E
Your advisor is here to help you whenever you seek advice and to provide guidance about Georgia Tech regulations, undergraduate programs, and career opportunities. You are strongly urged to consult your advisor to plan and execute your program of study, to discuss career options, and to design an optimal map for achieving your goals.
Students looking to set up an advising appointment with either Dr. Holder or Dr. Ragan should schedule a meeting on https://advisor.gatech.edu. A student guide on how to use the new platform can found here - https://neweraadvising. If no appointments are available, students may email their advisor to set up an alternate time.
A set of up-to-date advisement-related frequently asked questions, course offerings, campus resources, pertinent forms, registration resources, four-year plans, student handbooks, research information, internship and job opportunities, career prep resources, and more can be found on the Neuroscience Majors Canvas Site; students can self-enroll in the Canvas Site by clicking on the image to the right.
Research-Active Faculty
Looking for faculty at Georgia Tech (or affiliate faculty at Emory) who are performing Neuroscience research in a variety of departments and disciplines? Check out https://neuro.gatech.edu/people/faculty for information about each Neuroscience faculty member and their research.
Faculty Spotlight

Christina Ragan
Dr. Christina Ragan is the recipient of the 2020 Carol Ann Paul Educator of the Year award presented by the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience international organization. She was nominated by her peers to be recognized for her efforts in Neuroscience education.
In her courses, she uses various engaging activities to help make challenging topics in Neuroscience more relatable and accessible. She has a particular interest in promoting student participation from all students in her classes, especially those who might otherwise be shy to speak up. Her Brain Awareness Day Neuroscience fair in virtual and in-person formats have been supported by local and national funding agencies and have reached up to 500 attendees.
She is also the curator of a Neuroscience teaching resources Facebook page with over 1,300 members from all over the world since its creation in 2015. Dr. Ragan is thrilled and grateful to receive the award and to be recognized for something she truly enjoys.